Friday, January 1, 2010

Fun Times in New Orleans

The beautiful New Orleans Scenery

Tom Brady (Whoa Mama!)

This was the ESPN sign I made but we never got on T.V. cause the Saints kicked our tail!
On Our way to see the Pats play! Too bad they got there butt handed to them on a platter!

Brian and I made a quick weekend trip to New Orleans just after Thanksgiving. We went to see the New England Patriots play the New Orleans Saints on Monday night Football. This was Brian's father's day and anniversary present. It was an amazing weekend. We had so much fun! We ate lots of fabulous food and suffered from tremendous bouts of indigestion, but we persevered! Our seats in the stadium were phenomenal. We were on the 26th row up from the field in the corner of the end zone. As you can see, from the picture above, we were able to see our favorite players REALLY well! It was so great getting to spend this quality time with my husband, which is not something we get to do very often since there are 2 little munchkins constantly needing our attention.

1 comment:

Misty said...

wow you had awesome seats!!! Seeing a professional football game is one item on my bucket list!