Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cooper Daniel Wallis Is Here

Cooper Daniel Wallis, born January 23, 2009 at 7:47 am. He weighed 7 lbs, 2 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long.
Mack looking at his new baby brother.
We are now a family of Four!

My how fast times change! Seems like just yesterday I was starting this blog with a picture of Mack Russell Wallis just after he was born. And now, we are adding to our family! This pregnancy went by so fast. I felt like only moments passed between finding out that we were expecting again and meeting our new little one.
Our first couple of weeks at home have been exciting and trying all at the same time. I really forgot how often these sweet little boys wake up to eat! I can't complain though, Cooper is a really good sleeper, waking to eat at night and going right back to sleep. Mack is slowly getting used to the idea of the "baby" being with us all the time.
Our first weekend at home was very upsetting for me. Mack had been going to daycare all week, and didn't realize that our new little fellow would be at home with us all day, everyday, until the weekend arrived. He was very needy, wanting to be held by his mommy, which was almost impossible for me after having surgery. He cried. I cried. It was just an emotional weekend. He now is getting used to the idea of Cooper being with us all the time, and he is being a big help to mommy.
I will have to say that I am so amazed at how marvelous God is. Not that I ever doubted Him!!! But, the love that immediately filled my heart after having Cooper was overwhelming. Who knew your heart could be big enough to love so passionately two of the most amazing little boys? Only God and other mothers could even begin to know or understand. Brian and I are so blessed to have two healthy boys. I praise God for entrusting me with His prize possessions. I can only hope and pray that I live up to His expectations as a mother. I am so blessed!


I'm Kate... said...

HI Landon!!! I'm so excited to have your blog address!! Ohhh such a sweet family. I'm so happy for you guys. Mack will adjust - it'll just take a little time.

I'm going through the same emotion you had - how can I spread my love to 2 children, when I feel completely maxxed with my first?? I know the Lord makes it completely possible. I'm just excited to see how! :)

Can't wait to meet little Cooper - and meet Mack too! Love you guys!

Katie Azar

maggie said...

congratulations on the new baby! he's beautiful. Hope Mom Dad brother and baby are all doing well. I enjoy receiving pictures and updates about your family. Take Care, Maggie